Tennessee Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (TACIR)
Adequate infrastructure is as essential to economic growth as economic growth is to individual prosperity. Recognizing this, the Tennessee General Assembly charged the Tennessee Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (TACIR) with developing and maintaining an inventory of public infrastructure needs "in order for the state, municipal and county governments of Tennessee to develop goals, strategies and programs which would
improve the quality of life of its citizens,
support livable communities, and
enhance and encourage the overall economic development of the state."
[Public Chapter 817, Acts of 1996.]
MDD Regional Solid Waste Needs Assessment: Produced every five years for the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation. The report addresses the solid waste assets, diversion activities, and needs for the following TN counties: Fayette, Lauderdale, Shelby & Tipton.
Building Tennessee’s Tomorrow: Anticipating the State’s Infrastructure Needs
July 2022 through June 2027
The county summaries highlight the top three types of infrastructure based on total estimated cost needed in the county, broken down by whether it is needed locally or at the regional level. The estimated costs for all types of infrastructure are divided between conceptual projects and those that have moved into the planning and design stage or have started construction. The infrastructure needed at public school systems is also compared to student enrollment.