Housing Resources
Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA)
As the State’s housing finance agency, the Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA) is a self-sufficient, independently funded, publicly accountable entity of the State of Tennessee. THDA’s mission is to meaningfully expand safe, sound, affordable housing opportunities for low and moderate income Tennesseans as the state’s leading resource.
THDA Programs
THDA offers a range of programs for homebuyers, homeowners and renters.
THDA Emergency Repair Program
As of September 4, 2024 our existing wait list is over 450 homeowners so we are not adding anyone else to the list. In October, we will start to call people already on the list and will serve as many homeowners as we can. In a typical year we are able to serve approximately 30 homeowners.
Great Choice Home Loans
Great Choice is a 30-year, fixed interest rate home loan available through private banks and lenders. These loans focus on first-time homebuyers, U.S. military veterans, and homebuyers in targeted areas. Down payment assistance may also be available.
Tennessee’s Free Housing Locator
This is a THDA sponsored, free online resource for locating and advertising available rental property and other resources for renters.
THDA Research and Planning
For statewide and county-based information about housing and housing affordability, check out THDA’s Research and Planning publications to gain insight into the state’s housing market and THDA’s impact on affordable housing. https://www.thda.org/research-reports
THDA Consolidated Plan & Annual Action Plan":
On behalf of the State of Tennessee, the Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA) has completed a draft of the State’s 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan and 2025-2026 Annual Action Plan for housing and community development in Tennessee. The Plan includes the State’s application for funds, strategic plan, and goals for five U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) grant programs. Click here to view the notice.