Rural Planning Organization (RPO) & Transportation Planning
WTRPO Executive Board Voting Members
CHAIR / Rhea Taylor, Mayor, Fayette County
VICE-CHAIR / Maurice Gaines, Mayor, Lauderdale County
COUNTY REPRESENTATIVES / Jeff Huffman, County Executive, Tipton County
Dwayne Cole, Mayor of Munford, Tipton County
Ronnie Neill, Mayor of Somerville, Fayette County
Eugene Pugh, Mayor of Halls, Lauderdale County
State Senator Paul Rose
State Senator Page Walley
State Representative Ron Gant
State Representative Chris Hurt
State Representative Debra Moody
Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) established the Rural Planning Organizations (RPOs) to enhance service and development of rural transportation projects across the state. MDD provides technical assistance to communities in three counties through the West Tennessee Rural Planning Organization (WTRPO).
Examples of work include:
Managing the RPO for Fayette, Lauderdale & Tipton counties.
County Wide Transportation Plans
Assist local governments in communications and inquires with TDOT
Prioritization of Regional Projects
WTRPO Technical Committee Voting Members
CHAIR / Robert Turner, City Administrator, Somerville, TN
VICE-CHAIR / William Veazey, Director of Planning, Tipton County
Mendi Donnelly, Community Development Director, Somerville, TN
Alex Wilson, Director of Tourism & Planning, Lauderdale County
Hugh Davis, City of Piperton
Shannon Reed, Highway Superintendent, Tipton County
Wayne Dowdy, Highway Superintendent, Fayette County
Derek Kissell, Highway Superintendent, Lauderdale County
Marc Woerner, Town Administrator, Atoka, TN
Craig Fitzhugh, Mayor, Ripley, TN
Pragati Srivastava, Memphis MPO Administrator
Anna McQuiston, Executive Director, MidSouth Development District